Speaker Roundup: ORIX USA and NXT Capital Leaders Join Panel Discussions in Toronto, Chicago, and New York

Jeff Abrams

Several ORIX USA and NXT Capital leaders participated in panel discussions at major industry events in late September and early October to share their views on private credit along with other industry peers. Below is a quick recap of each event.

Jeff Abrams, Group Head of Private Credit, ORIX USA, joined the panel “The Co-Existence of Risk and Opportunity: Are the Stars Still Aligned for Private Credit?” as part of the Institutional Investor Private Credit Forum in Toronto on September 28th.

Moderated by Michael Woollatt, Managing Director – Client Solutions Group, Head of Canada, Hamilton Lane, the panel included John Zito, Partner, Deputy Chief Investment Officer of Credit, Apollo; Gregory A. Robbins, Vice Chair, Golub Capital; and Brett Hickey, Founder and CEO, Star Mountain Capital. The panelists discussed the dynamic nature of private credit, its potential rewards, and the associated risks in today’s market landscape.

Damon Krytzer, Co-Head of Investor Solutions, Asset Management, ORIX USA, also attended the Forum.

Ted Denniston

Ted Denniston, Co-Head of NXT Capital and Senior Managing Director, spoke on the panel “Outlook: The Rise and Rise of Private Credit” at the 8th Annual LPGP Connect Private Debt Conference in Chicago on October 8th. The conference brought together LPs and GPs from the global private credit market to look at the latest developments and market trends. Moderated by Gurvinder Singh, CEO, Indus Valley Partners, Ted was joined by Brendan Carroll, Senior Partner and Co-Founder, Victory Park Capital; Todd Meggos, Managing Director, BMO Sponsor Finance; and Lee Landrum, Partner, Comvest Partners.

The panelists addressed how private credit performed as an asset class against the macroeconomic backdrop of 2023, the evolution of the market in the last 24 months and the current lending landscape, and the outlook for inflation, interest rates and economic growth, among other topics.

David DeMilt, Managing Director, Investor Solutions, Asset Management, ORIX USA, also attended the conference.

Raviv Shtaingos

Raviv Shtaingos, Head of Structured Credit, ORIX USA, participated in the panel “Too Good to be True? Risk Considerations and Opportunities Around the Private Credit Gold Rush” at the With Intelligence Pension Bridge Alternatives 2023 Conference in New York City on October 10th. Moderated by Cian Desmond, Senior Vice President, Portfolio Manager, Alternative Investments, Wilshire, the panel also featured Lan Cai, Deputy Chief Investment Officer, The Pension Boards – United Church of Christ (PBUCC); Nina Wang, Principal Investment Manager, American Chemical Society; and Chris Wright, Managing Director & Head of Private Markets, Crescent Capital.

With private credit a top priority for many LPs looking to diversify their portfolios, the panel delved into topics including how allocators have been growing their private credit “buckets”, the driving forces of growth in structured credit, the impacts of higher yields in Treasuries and investment grade on the decision-making process around private credit allocations, and what questions LPs should have when assessing which new private credit managers to invest in.

Jordan Robinson, Co-Head of Investor Solutions, Asset Management, ORIX USA, also attended the event.